Thursday, 19 November 2009

My Final Idea

For my final idea for my opening I will choose to involve a lawyer in which her daughter is kidnapped, this is because I feel it allowed me to show the conventions of a thriller as early as the first minute into my opening. This is because it will allow me to create tension by showing the contrast of the lawyer in home 'safe' and the footsteps of the concealed identity of the antagonist, making his way towards the door. This will create tension because as he gets nearer to the door the music will get louder and her tapping on the computer will get faster. This also shows conventions of a thriller for a crime has taken place which is the kidnapping of the judges daughter. It also suggests what the film may be about for with the ransom note and title which will be 'The price of Justice' suggests that she has to save her daughter by letting someone go free, therefore implying justice has not been served. This I feel is a simple idea that will grab the audiences attention and build tension, leading to a intriguing end to an opening to a thriller.

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